DIY Credit Repair

Author name: ShawnKLane


September 2, 2021Shawn LaneConsumer Credit Expert Credit Report Mistakes Most people think of a credit score as a concrete, unchangeable piece of data. The reality, however, is a bit more open to interpretation. While your score is determined with a reliable algorithm, the incidents on your credit report that are used to calculate that score


What Consumers Don’t Know about Free Credit Score Companies

November 2, 2021Shawn LaneConsumer Credit Expert Free Credit Score Companies If you’re trying to actively monitor your credit, paying for a copy of your credit score can be a frustrating expense. In this situation, companies offering a free copy of your credit score probably seem like a godsend. But while these services can show you

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How Credit Bureaus Are Mishandling Customer Disputes

February 10, 2022Shawn LaneConsumer Credit Expert How Credit Bureaus Fumble Disputes For many people, credit bureaus seem like static, unchanging entities. It would certainly be comforting to think that the organizations in charge of determining credit scores have everything under control. But these companies are anything but perfect – and that may be putting it

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Common Credit Card Myths

July 7, 2022Shawn LaneConsumer Credit Expert Don’t Fall to Credit Card Myths Credit cards have long been one of the most controversial topics in personal finance. For every piece of rational, constructive advice you can find on the internet, you’re just as likely to find 10 examples of misguided information or fear-mongering nonsense. Thankfully, it’s

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