DIY Credit Repair


Why Millions of Tax Liens and Judgments are Disappearing from Credit Reports

July 6, 2017Shawn LaneConsumer Credit Expert Why Millions of Tax Liens and Judgments are Disappearing from Credit Reports Have you ever heard of NCAP (the National Consumer Assistance Plan)? If not, it’s an acronym you should probably learn more about. NCAP is responsible for the introduction of a number of new consumer friendly practices at

Why Millions of Tax Liens and Judgments are Disappearing from Credit Reports Read More »

Credit score confusion: Why all my credit score are different?

June 25, 2017Shawn LaneConsumer Credit Expert Credit score confusion Why your lender’s credit scores look so different from the scores you pulled online The credit world is positively full of myths and misconceptions. One such misconception is the idea that you have only one credit score (or even one credit score from each of the

Credit score confusion: Why all my credit score are different? Read More »